COMING SOON! Wimborne’s First Ever Poo Procession with Pooey King and Queen.
Following on from the success of last August’s FIrst Ever Human Poo Chain, Extinction Rebellion Wimborne will again be demanding “Wessex Water, End Sewage Pollution Now”.
JOIN US in 2024
We'll try to keep it up do date, but contact us for more information
15 February
4pm-6pm Launch of Extinction Rebellion Wimborne's Climate & Nature Cafe ☕
Cafe @ The Allendale
A community-focused, safe and informal space to share feelings about the climate and nature crises over a cup of tea. Many don’t find it easy to share their concerns with those around them, particularly when everyone else seems to be carrying on as normal. A warm, friendly, space. Light refreshments available to buy.
21 February
7.30pm UK zoom about Insure Our Future in London 26 Feb-2 March
What’s it about? What’s happening and when?
Register to find out more
21 February
Defend Our Juries, London
Contact us for more information or visit Defend Our Juries
22 February
7.30pm-9pm Extinction Rebellion Wimborne event at Kings Head
“Will Planting Trees Solve the Climate Crisis?” 🌳
The climate and nature crises are huge challenges. Tree planting is often focused on as a major solution. But is it the answer?
Our speaker is James Bullock, Professor of Ecology.
Have your questions ready for the Q&A.
Are you in Purbeck … Dorchester … Weymouth?
We’ll bring the talk to your group! ♻️
Contact us for more information.
See Facebook event
24 February
XR BCP/Greenpeace/FOE “Unite to Survive” event at Dolphin Centre
See Facebook event for details
26 Feb-3 March
Insure Our Future
London & nationally. Your opportunity to tell the insurance companies not to insure new oil and gas projects. Join XR Wimborne in London. Find out more.
What’s insurance got to do with the climate crisis?
It’s the 'Achilles Heel' of the fossil fuel industry. Insurers give companies like Shell, BP and ExxonMobil the ability to drill as the planet burns: No insurance = no fossil fuels.
Just 20 companies insure 70% of the world’s fossil fuel industry and a large number of them are based in the UK.
Climate activism is working
New coal power plants, EACOP, Cambo - all now almost uninsurable. It’s time to target oil and gas insurance.
Join in
Join the Carbon Bomb Defusal Squad, see Facebook event
Join the Insure our Future Telegram channel
Join XR South West Broadcast Telegram channel
Digital Rebellion
Can't make it to any of the Insure Our Future events in person? Please join Digital Rebellion to pressurise the insurance companies via their inboxes, social media channels and phones!
28 February
7.30-8.30pm Extinction Rebellion Wimborne's Action Group online meeting
Contact us to join in.
29 February
4pm-5.30pm Extinction Rebellion Wimborne's Climate & Nature cafe ☕
Cafe @ The Allendale
A community-focused, safe and informal space to share feelings about the climate and nature crises over a cup of tea. Many don’t find it easy to share their concerns with those around them, particularly when everyone else seems to be carrying on as normal. A warm, friendly, space. Light refreshments available to buy.
See Facebook event
18 March
Wimborne's Connection to Ecological Catastrophe. St Giles House, Wimborne St Giles
We protested against the EARL OF SHAFTESBURY’S role in one of the UK’s most serious cases of ECOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION
The Earl owns the UK’s biggest lake, Lough Neagh.
Lough Neagh, in Northern Ireland, is suffering an ecological catastrophe.
XR Wimborne’s Pink Rebels protested in Wimborne St Giles, the Earl’s seat.
We demand the Earl trigger the break clauses in his sand dredging contracts, and that he transfer the Lough into public ownership.
Pollution from agricultural runoff and sewage has caused the rapid growth of toxic algae. This together with the ruthless excavation of sand from the lake bed (from which the Earl of Shaftesbury profits) has led to plummeting numbers of migratory birds, fish, eel and insects
The habitat of Lough Neagh is of international importance and must be saved
Here's the link to our great little film:
23 March
Stop Perenco 🛢️
11am assemble Norden Park & Ride BH20 5DW what3words: ///manages.talkative.remaking
Midday - Family friendly march to Wytch Farm with allies followed by rally.
Join Extinction Rebellion Wimborne's Pink Rebels! 💖
An oil spill a year ago from Perenco’s Wytch Farm endangered the precious biodiversity of Poole Harbour
See Facebook event
11 April
Meet James Orr, Director of Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland
The Earl of Shaftesbury owns The UK’s largest lake, Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland. He’s profiting from destructive sand dredging of the lough’s bed.
Meet James Orr, Director of Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland to find out about the many challenges the lough faces.
Here's the link to our great little film:
13 April
Dorset Council, Stop Spraying Glyphosate Now!
Pink Rebels in Wimborne Minster, Dorset called out Dorset Council for their inveterate use of glyphosate on our streets and pavements.
We urged people to make the local elections the BEE ELECTIONS
Glyphosate harms honey bees and bumblebees
UK flying insects declined by nearly
60% in less than 20 years (Buglife)
Small tortoiseshell butterfly declined 82% in UK since 1976 (UKBMS)
41% of insects worldwide threatened with extinction (Buglife)
Glyphosate harms humans
Probable cause of cancer (World Health Organisation)
Plausible link to Parkinson's disease (The Lancet)
It's in our urine (Journal of the National Cancer Institute)
14 April
Cycling Rebellion Bournemouth
Campaign for 20mph speed limit.
(See Cycling Rebellion Facebook)
20 April
XR South West regional event
“Funeral for Nature”, Bath.
Shout out for Red Rebels - would you like to be part of the record breaking number of Red Rebels?
Contact us for more details and/or to meet up with your Wimborne friends
See Facebook event
16 May
Council For Nature
Join us Thursday 16th May to demand Dorset Council restore and protect nature in Dorset
22 June
TAKE THE COACH FROM WIMBORNE Affordable Dorset coach to London for Restore Nature Now 22nd June. Join over 150 supporting organisation on this family friendly nature march
27 June
Save Lough Neagh!
The Realisation Festival https://realisationfestival.com starts on Thursday 27th June at the estate of the Earl of Shaftesbury, St Giles House, in Wimborne St Giles, Dorset. The Pink Rebels will politely greet attendees with placards and leaflets with information about the ecological catastrophe unfolding at Lough Neagh, and the Earl of Shaftesbury's connection.
The Earl of Shaftesbury profits from sand dredging of the largest lake in British Isles: Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland. He profits from natural habitat being scooped up & carried away.
Here's the link to our great little film:
13 July
12 noon to 5pm The Green Fair at the Arches
Blandford Railway Arches, Langton Meadows in Blandford Forum
15 July
Perenco Out!
Wytch Farm oilfield in Dorset is doddering & old. Perenco must SHUT IT DOWN before it causes any more damage: the 2023 oil spill into Poole Harbour must never happen again
Wimborne’s Pink Rebels join XR Purbeck & XR BCP today outside Perenco’s Furzebrook offices
18 July
Council for Nature
Dorset Council, Stop Spraying Glyphosate Now!
XRW Pink Rebels and other Dorset environmental groups gather outside Dorset Council to support a COUNCIL MOTION to protect Dorset‘s nature. Dorset Council must STOP SPRAYING GLYPHOSATE (roundup) on our streets and pavements. Glyphosate destroys nature and harms human health
3 August
Stop Jailing Truth Tellers Rally
Parliament Square
This rally is for everyone who wants this to be a country where people aren’t banned from speaking about climate change in court.
6 August
Extinction Rebellion Wimborne General Meeting
ALL WELCOME to our meeting Tuesday 6 August, 7pm for 7.30 start. CAFE AT THE ALLENDALE, BH21 1AS. Beer, wine, tea, coffee, cake to buy. Come along for a very friendly and interesting evening. *YOU* will be setting the agenda! Everyone will get a chance to speak (if you want to! - no pressure).
Here are the options:
Restore Nature Now March
Climate protestors in prison
Sewage in the Stour: Don’t pay for Dirty Water
Dorset Council, Stop Spraying Glyphosate
Upgrade Democracy, Windsor Great Park 30 August - 1st September
We ❤️ love ❤️ the National Trust … but not Barclays!
We’re off to Kingston Lacy this Friday and Saturday.
Earl of Shaftesbury: Save Lough Neagh
Watch our little film.
Extinction Rebellion - what’s it all about?
Ask us a question.
Want to organise an XR action?
All you need to know!
Bring a food donation for WIMBORNE FOOD BANK.
Check their website or Facebook page for items they urgently require.
Thank you.
9th & 10th August
We ❤️ love ❤️ the National Trust … but not Barclays!
Kingston Lacy
We’re off to Kingston Lacy. A national campaign preliaised with the National Trust who have given their permission. Barclays Bank is the worst bank in Europe for investing in fossil fuels. Join us at Kingston Lacy in the courtyard where we will be outreaching. Sign and share the petition urging the National Trust to drop Barclays .
How about your bank? Need help switching to a more planet friendly bank? Help here.
30 August - 1 September
Upgrade Democracy Occupation
Windsor Great Park, Berkshire
Family-friendly event. Fully liaised with police and park.
Unite to demand a Citizens' Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice.
So why camp out on the King’s lawn?
Simple answer, our system is outdated and broken at every level. The monarchy is just one example of unelected power, wealth and influence. By gathering thousands at this symbolic site near where the Magna Carta was signed, we show our commitment to a fairer, more inclusive system. Our democracy needs an upgrade. We must amplify our demand for citizens’ assemblies
“This is a call to revolution. The Earth is under threat. It cannot cope with all that we demand of it. It is losing balance and we humans are causing this to happen." - Prince Charles, 2010 (from his book ‘Harmony’)
We are not targeting a person, but the broken system. Windsor Castle is a symbol of that system.
The Occupation is on The Long Walk
Camping. Toilets are sorted. Accommodation is being explored for those Rebels not wanting to camp
Follow links below for plans and how you can join in.
Press release
Why Windsor?
Join the Telegram chat
Join the Facebook event
More Info on the Rebel Toolkit
Follow the broadcast
10 September
JP Morgan, Bournemouth
Outreach to employees in collaboration with XR Health and XRBCP.
JP Morgan is the world's biggest financier of fossil fuels, $434 billion since the Paris Agreement. JP Morgan knows climate change is an existential treat, yet it says the world must rely on carbon capture to sort out JP Morgan's mess.
JP Morgan is the second biggest foreign funder of oil and gas exploration in the Amazon. It invests in companies implicated in environmental destruction and violations of indigenous rights.
JP Morgan must
Urgently phase out fossil fuel investment
Ditch the greenwash
Commit to Paris Agreement aligned carbon emissions targets (with no accounting tricks!)
Improve and expand their environmental and human right policies
28 September
Wessex Water, Stop Sewage Pollution Now
Blandford Forum
Join the Pink Rebels with their all new crap-o-meter.
Did you know?
Wessex Water dumped raw sewage into the River Stour 893 times for 9634 hours in 2023, an increase on 2022.
Wessex Water dumped raw sewage into rivers, seas and bathing areas 41,453 times in 2023, an increase on 2022.
Wessex Water prefers to pay dividends to its shareholders - £4.25 billion since privatisation - than to keep the sewers up to dat5.
Wessex Water has immense debts totalling £2.6 billion. 19% of the money we pay to Wessex Water is used to service their debts.
22 November
Read for the Planet
Marking Cop29
Bridge by Wimborne library
Join us on the bridge over the Allen near the library to mark Cop29 by amplifying the voices calling for Climate Finance for the Global South.
UN’s climate negotiations continue at COP29 in Azerbaijan, a petrochemical state implicated in ethnic cleansing. But there is so much at stake for the Global South, we can’t just dismiss COP29 as another failed conference.
Did you know that the Global South has contributed less than 4% of greenhouse gases yet is suffering the most from climate change? Drought, crop failure and famine. Cyclones and mudslides. Heatwaves and sea level rise.
The purpose of COP29 is for the rich countries to agree to pay climate finance to the Global South.
Developing countries need large injections of cash (grants not interest bearing loans!) to help them cut greenhouse gas emissions and cope with the impacts of extreme weather, compensation for the irreparable damage they are already suffering.